They Cannot Be called Amber Teething Necklaces Bracelets Anklets (EU Labelling Requirements) 2025

Amber teething necklace and amber teething anklet safety. There has been a change recently in how Amber Teething Necklaces and teething bracelets/anklets are to be labelled in this country. Previously, amber for teething has been sold throughout the world with the label "Use under Supervision". Because there is no dedicated EU directive dealing with these products, they must be considered for labelling under the EU Toy Safety Regulations EN-71-1. When considered under this legislation, a certain test is applied to judge their suitability for use as a toy for children under 3 years. This test involves 3 elements; Size, Tension (strength of cord) and Impact. These products will not pass these tests, primarily because of their small size. The contention is that a child under 3 could put the necklace or bracelet/anklet in their mouth, in which case and it would not be safe. So we are obliged to label them as "Not Suitable for under 3 years". The product as a whole is what is under consideration. There is no question about the amber itself.
To add to the confusion regarding these products, they are being considered for labelling differently in different EU countries. The Irish and UK Trading Standards authorities are applying the full rigours of the toy testing procedures to them. But the authorities in other countries consider it is necessary to only apply the tension test. They have developed a new type of clasp which breaks at a lesser force than the more common screw type clasp. A product with this new type of clasp is given EN71 certification from at least 4 EU countries as "Suitable for use under 3 years". Some are advising to attach the label "Use under Supervision" also. We do not stock this type of clasp as from a sample we put to test, they came apart too easily and kept falling off the child. Amber on the loose is not a great idea!
In the absence of a comprehensive EU dedicated directive on this and with the recommendations from Trading Standards here in the UK, we have relabelled all our amber products as "Not suitable for use under 3 years". For further information about how to use amber, please look at our observations on our safety page.
Please feel free to contact us in you would like further clarification on any of the above points.
Never take a chance on safety while using amber or teething products. Always research fully. You can see our safety guidelines here
Our smallest child bracelet is 13cm for safety reasons.
More ways to soothe your baby's teething naturally
I have had lots of questions from customers about this and asking why other companies are calling these amber teething bracelets, amber teething necklaces or colic bracelets and using pictures of babies on their website and marketing. I have seen pictures recently in adverts of babies chewing on the amber beads. Chewing is not allowed as the amber beads can shatter. Any company using baby pictures or advertising these on Facebook / Google and their websites for teething, gas, reflux, colic etc are actually in breach of advertising regulations and EU general product safety regulations. The companies are not regulated and are not based in the UK (Although they pretend to be). Please be careful as you will not be covered... You will also have issues getting hold of someone to talk to, an address or arrange a return and refund as consumer trading regulations have not been applied. You can check Trustpilot for reviews from customers. A lot of the non UK brands have high volumes of negative reviews. Buyer beware. In short, they are not allowed to be called amber teething anklets, amber teething bracelets or amber teething necklaces anymore due to the small parts involved and in case people think that a baby chews on them to relieve their teething symptoms. Please be careful and never use them on a sleeping child or when they are unattended. For older children, please ensure there is no more or no less than a two finger gap between the neck and necklace. If the necklaces is too long it can get caught on something or pulled and that is dangerous. Please use safely and follow the enclosed safety instructions.
How to avoid being scammed by dubious 'amber' sellers
When buying anything online, always research the company. Ensure the reviews are verified as real customers.
Check their Facebook page to see if there is a physical address (a real one) a real working telephone number or reviews are available when searched on Google. Search for Facebook reviews or Trustpilot reviews.
Check they are a UK registered company and registered for UK VAT. You can do this on companies house and VAT checker.
If you are buying for businesses and wholesale purposes then always request a VAT receipt from the seller. If they cannot provide that or a VAT number then they should not be charging VAT on their products. It is also likely that they are dodging their tax responsibilities and customs charges and that should set off alarm bells. They are often labelled as a gift on the packaging or a low value will be declared so that they don't pay the correct import taxes,
Reviews cannot be hidden on the internet but Facebook comments on posts can be deleted so all that remains are positive looking comments. Don't be fooled.
Check Trustpilot for reviews.
Check that the website has a physical UK address, not a post box or even worse, no address at all.
Check for UK telephone numbers that work and ensure that customer services are responsive. Many companies add fake UK numbers so they give the appearance of operating from this country which is misleading.
If you are waiting more than a few days for your item, it is likely you have been misled into thinking you bought from a UK company.
Does the company have insurance? Did you know that companies who supply products to the public must have public and product liability insurance? Companies are not allowed to waive liability by saying that they are not responsible if someone is injured or worse through the use of their products,
Last but not least, know your consumer protection rights. If the item did not arrive, is faulty or not fit for purpose a refund/replacement must be accepted. Open a chargeback with your bank or Paypal. If there are enough red flags, Paypal will not allow the company to accept PayPal payments. You have 75 = 120 days to file a chargeback with your bank should the item not arrive or the company is unresponsive.
There's a lot of companies online like the above. Always fully research.
A reputable company (like us) would have at least a 6-month warranty for their products and will replace without question. There should also be no trouble getting hold of the owners to speak to (I think we are the only ones to show our faces) and legitimate companies would have real reviews from real customers. Its amazing how many actually write their own reviews!
Know your rights.
If you have any questions or concerns please message me. Stay safe x