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About us

Our Story

...inspired by little Eddie

 I wish I had heard about these sooner.....

Little EddieWelcome to my online store. My name is Marie and I am the owner, founder and director of Love Amber x Ltd.

I was born in a little village in Co. Mayo on the West coast of Ireland. I moved to the UK in 1997 to study psychology at University. I graduated in 2000 and began working in London where I met Simon a few years later. We got married in 2009 and both continued working away in what we thought was our life long careers.

A huge surprise and blessing in the form of little Eddie came into our world in 2011 and everything changed. I developed pre-eclampsia at 37 weeks so he was a tiny 5lb when he was born via emergency section. He was a very ill little man and spent some time in NICU. I still cannot thank the surgeon and resus team enough for saving him. Once out of hospital he suffered from the crippling pain of colic. He screamed for hours and hardly slept. Sleep deprived, Simon and I continued was tough but kept going... As a new mum and dad we had no idea about where to source items to help him and us.

All the items on our site are items we have used ourselves or wish were around when we needed them! I had never heard of Baltic amber, gemstones, crystals, Gumigem teething necklaces, Gummee Glove teething toys or Poddle / Toddle pods but wished I had! I was not a great believer in the influence of Baltic amber jewellery until I witnessed it for myself. I was so happy with the results I have seen that I have recommended them to my friends and family (I still wear the jewellery now). I needed to shout about it from the rooftops! And so the amber addiction began...

In 2012 we started our market research and discovered an interest. In 2013 we built a new website and made a few initial mistakes with packaging labels etc. We learned the hard way. After safety information guidance from Essex trading standards we got all the information required on our labelling and website. In 2014 I gave up my full time career to focus fully on this business. In 2015 we became a limited company. Early in 2016 I set my sights on jewellery design and mixing things up with gemstones and crystals. Now in 2018 we have lots of adult jewellery to choose from in addition to our extensive children’s range! (Still growing!). So that is why I set up this company..... Love Amber x, so mums like me and you can get a little help through the first 3 years and beyond and have all of these wonderful inventions in one place. Looking forward to helping you. Love Marie, Simon and Little Eddie (now 13!). xx
Please see our blog.  

The Team. Amber teething anklet and amber teething bracelet Love Amber x

Meet Our Love Amber x Team

Marie Clarke

Owner Director Designer 'Mum Boss'
Eddie_Simon-amber teething shop. Love Amber X Ltd

Simon Clarke

Co-Owner Director Returns 'Boss Dad'
Eddie_and_Bryony-amber teething shop. Love Amber X Ltd


Founder & Inspiration Tester 'The Boss'
Photo_23-05-2017_18_39_36_1-amber teething shop. Love Amber X Ltd

My 5 Secret Mum Beaders

Crafters and beaders

What Customers Say About Us

“Great products, and all come with 6 months warranty. Previous purchase was replaced free of charge when it broke. Customer service is great and shipping of an order was super fast. I will never shop elsewhere ”
Claire- Purchaser